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Iconica Employee Success

Employee Success

At Iconica, one of our core values is employee success; one component of employee success is helping our employees excel by providing a challenging yet fun work environment. And as part of that fun environment, we want to celebrate our…

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Madison College West Campus remodel collage

Madison College West Campus

Madison College worked with The Gialamas Company to move their west campus location to the Old Sauk Business Park. The 8017 Excelsior Drive building was remodeled by Iconica during the fall of 2016 and completed in time for spring semester…

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Brent Douglas

7 Ways to Keep Your Building in Shape

Written by Quality Control Manager, Brent Douglas 1. Inspect and maintain sealants. Sealants are often used around windows, doors, pipes and grilles to help prevent water and air infiltration. They are also used where exterior building materials change such as…

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