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Ribbon Cutting for River Valley Bank
In the spirit of The Good Neighbor City, Iconica is honored to welcome River Valley Bank into the Middleton business community. The new building located at 8329 Murphy Dr, opened its doors, and guests had the chance to view the architecture and get an idea for what it would be like to do business on the premises.
Working Closely with Jan Hogan, Market President of River Valley Bank, our design team understood that creating a futuristic customer service experience was a key driver in the design layout and selection of materials. Combining comfort with futuristic practices was a concept our designers thoughtfully embraced.
Designed under Hogan’s premise of being “The Bank of the Future,” this building caters to the mobile and social needs of businesses and individuals. Gone are the shuffling teller lines of yesterday, gone is the “boxed-in” feel. Instead, stands a two-person greeting station, where the customer is asked where he would like to sit, what he would like to drink, and how he may be helped.
Intuitively flowing with the anticipated needs of the customer, the interior expands to an open, community-gathering experience. There are areas for privacy and independent work, such as a laptop-friendly bar, and private, yet naturally-lit office rooms. — However, the majority of the space is set up more as a lounge, or cafe. iPads are everywhere, allowing the customer to open accounts and close loans while sitting by the fire-place, and sipping on a cup of coffee from the fully-stocked cafe. Inviting groups and organizations to hold meetings, the bank hosts an elegant conference room, with a stone walled fireplace, and plenty of natural light.
On top of the physical layout that is focused on allowing the customer to feel at-home, our designers added a special touch that brought River Valley Bank’s own home into Middleton:
Founded by a successful group of bean farmers in the Northwoods area of Wisconsin, the bank’s history is an interesting one, and one that deserved to be captured. Our designers located an old Northwoods barn, took a photo of it, and took the barn door off. The barn door, rich in history and character, warmly accentuates the lobby of the bank, while the framed photograph of the barn itself hangs elegantly in the entrance way. Heavy timber trusses add to the richness of the feel, and natural stone seamlessly connects the inside to the outdoors.
All the organic elements combined with cool steel, modern concepts, and contemporary furniture fuse together and flow into a truly unique and excellent space that personifies River Valley Bank.
On the outside, the new construction blends in well with the community, but also stands out in its welcoming stance and detailed grace. On the inside, it blends the ideas of modern business needs, and individualized personal attention. This fusion came as a result of the vision that Hogan came to us with, and the design that we established to meet this customer’s needs.
How would you envision your ideal business space? Sometimes we become so accustomed to the way things are, that we forget that we can just re-evaluate and rethink, and rebuild. What would be some of your needs in a business space? Let us know.