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Jeff Brock

Meet the Team: Jeff Brock

Name: Jeff Brock

What do you do at Iconica? I am a Project Superintendent

How long have you worked here? Nearly 19 years

What do you love about your job? All of the friends I have made and working with clients to satisfy their needs.

What is most exciting about your job? Seeing projects come together fascinates me. In the end, I enjoy looking back and reflecting on the positives while brainstorming how to fix the negatives. Often, my biggest challenge throughout a project is figuring out how to keep the job on schedule so that all the materials and manpower fall into place. When they all mesh correctly, those are truly the best weeks.

How has construction changed since you started your job? Technology has definitely had the greatest impact. There’s more automation with panelizing buildings and better ways to communicate is streamlining the industry. When I started, cell phones weren’t even a thing!

Were you interested in building as a child? I played with Lincoln Logs, Legos, and Erector sets all the time.

What are some of your favorite projects? I really enjoyed working on waterparks. They were a lot of work, but the end result was always super rewarding. Recently, I really enjoyed working on the Erdman Parking Structure. It was something I had never done before which made it new and exciting.

Which famous person what you like to interview or meet? I’d like to hang out with Brantley Gilbert because music, bikes, and TV never gets old!

Favorite song to sing in the car? It often depends on my mood, I really enjoy the song “Huntin’, Fishin’, and Lovin’, Every Day” by Luke Bryan. I make sure not to sing in front of others though, my voice is so awesome I don’t want to become famous!

How do you work with other departments at Iconica? We problem solve issues that come up on site. It really helps to have in-house architects and engineers. It makes the entire process go a lot smoother.

Dream Vacation? An all-expense paid trip to Hawaii and Alaska! One month — one right after the other.

How do you stay on top of construction trends? I read and talk with friends that are in the business. With the changing times, we all have to be flexible and adjust accordingly to them.

Do you have a dream project? One that is problem free!

Best advice your mother or father gave you? Work hard and the rewards will follow.

If you weren’t in the construction field what would you be doing? I would be either a professional hunter or a fishing guide.

Favorite snack food? Ridged Potato Chips with French Onion dip is my go to.

What does a regular day look like for you? Usually I am up by 4:10 AM, I spend my day at work, I come home and complete some small projects, relax for a bit, and I’m in bed again by 9pm.

What are some of the benefits of working at Iconica? There are a lot of friendly people, it’s a family atmosphere, and there’s a lot of opportunities learn many different trades.

Favorite Cereal? I don’t eat cereal much, but I definitely need my morning coffee.

What is something most people don’t know about you?I love to see live music, but I hate all of the crowded venues. Often, I will go see local bands at summer beer tents, local bars with outdoor venues and county fairs.

How can we help bring younger people into the trades? We need to show them that there is the potential to make good money. With a little hard work, they can create a career that will last and be able to support a family.

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