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Senior Housing Provider Adds on a New Facility Specially Designed for Memory Care
Now open, Legacy at Noel Manor has added a 22,500 SF memory care facility in Verona, Wisconsin. The new building sits adjacent to their assisted living home near the Redan soccer fields. Our construction team worked with the owners and service provider to finish the building on schedule through the winter months with the waitlist growing for rooms and care.
‘The Legacy’ offers excellent memory care services to the community with its state of the art dementia and Alzheimer’s care facility and is set up for individuals who can no longer live in a home environment or assisting living. Park Vista Senior Management manages the facility in conjunction with the adjacent Noel Manor property.
The building consists of 32 apartments along with a common area, dining room, lounge area, and outdoor patio. The memory care facility has a variety of services and activities specially created for their residents.
Special thanks to the superintendent, Mike Gibbons, and the project managers, Mike Walters and Cody Van Haren.
For more photos, check out the project page.