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Meet the Team: Chad Faber

Your name: Chad Faber

What do you do at Iconica?
I am an engineer with a BS in Mechanical Engineering and manage the MPE (Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical) department, meaning that I work with both clients and staff. I enjoy working with clients to learn and understand their needs and wishes. With staff, we work to make those visions become a reality. My job is to problem-solve. I look to other individuals, my past experiences, and research to find the best possible solution for the issue to allow it to move forward smoothly.

How long have you worked here?
I have been with Iconica for 11 years, and I have managed the MPE department since 2012.

What has been your favorite project to work on in the last three years?
I enjoy all projects! Working at Iconica is like working with one big family. I work, and problem solve with everyone around me. My favorite project, though, would have to be Sauk Trails Plaza II. We worked in collaboration with The Gialamas Company and North American Mechanical Inc. (NAMI), and together we worked on a state-of-the-art HVAC program. We created the plans and details and used the Focus on Energy design program. Through it all, teamwork played a major role in helping us provide a great product for the owner.

Where did you go to school?
I went to UW- Platteville.

How did you choose engineering?
I always had interest in it, even as a child. I just didn’t quite know what it all meant or entailed. My dad was a pipefitter. He installed pipes, talked about pipes, and taught me about HVAC, which got me thinking about the profession. I began my schooling as an electrical engineer but soon realized that I preferred mechanical engineering more and switched to that.

What does it take to be an engineer?
You have to be a bit nerdy! There are a lot of small details and components that you must pay attention to in order to deliver the best product possible.

Do you prefer coffee or tea?
Coffee first, always. I enjoy Yerba Mate tea as well.

What would you do if you weren’t an engineer?
I would be a chef – doesn’t matter what kind. I love being artistic and creating things. Cooking would allow me to present my food and work creatively.

What do you do for fun? I love to hang out with my family, read, and ride my bike.

Do you have a favorite holiday or family tradition?
I love the season of Christmas. At work that means the week leading up to Christmas, I like to dress up in my holiday outfits for every day of the week. Of course that includes ugly sweaters and colorful suits.

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