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Recognizing Revolutionaries: Babe Ruth

This week, we would like to recognize revolutionary baseball player Babe Ruth. Ruth built his career on breaking records. Over the span of his 22-year career, Ruth was consistent in breaking his own home run record with a career total of 714 home runs and 1330 strikeouts.

Babe Ruth grew up in Baltimore, Maryland where, by the age of 7, he became too much for his parents to handle. Sent to St. Mary’s Catholic School for Boys, Ruth spent his next 12 years, living, working, and learning the game of baseball with his friends. At the age of 19, he signed his minor league contract with the Boston Orioles before quickly being moved up to the majors to play with the Red Sox.

In 1919, Ruth was traded to the Yankees. In his time with the team, Ruth won four World-Series Championships. To this day, Ruth holds the slugging record of .690. He is deemed by many to be the best baseball player of all time.

USA – CIRCA 1983: A stamp printed in USA shows a picture of George Herman Ruth, known as Babe Ruth, swing the bat , circa 1983


Friend, Harold. “Babe Ruth’s 60 Home Runs Was a Greater Achievement Than Barry Bonds’ 73.” Bleacher Report, Bleacher Report, 3 Oct. 2017,

“Babe Ruth.” Edited by,, A&E Networks Television, 7 Apr. 2021,

About Recognizing Revolutionaries:

Iconica has set out to change the industry, one revolution at a time. Join us each week as we look back in history to recognize people, places, and moments that have made a revolutionary impact in our world.

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