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Congratulations to the Gebhardt Development team on their selection for the Judge Doyle Square proposal

Iconica is thrilled to partner with Gebhardt Development on the Block 88 mixed-use building. We are proud to be part of a new type of development that brings 198 units to downtown Madison, of which 40 percent is affordable housing. We believe this will be a game-changer for helping bring more affordable homes to the downtown urban core.

Iconica Gebhardt Development

“It has been a pleasure working with Otto given his experience of transforming an urban environment. His core values in helping bring energy, vibrancy, and synergy to a community is inspiring,” said John Seamon, Director of Design Strategy. “Iconica now begins the refinement and enhancement of the project, working with the Gebhardt team, and making sure the vision and goals are aligned with all parties.”

Iconica Gebhardt Development
Iconica Gebhardt Development
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