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outdoor patio with bar, wood paneled ceiling, tables and outdoor ceiling heaters

Everly Restaurant: Showcasing California-Inspired Taste and Design Excellence

Everly, a new restaurant located on Monroe Street in Knickerbocker Place was completed in early November 2016 for the Food Fight Restaurant Group.

The Food Fight team was looking for a whole new look and feel for the beloved Bluephies Restaurant. Everly would be a California nod to fresh vegetable-centric foods, drinks, and culture. Timeline, final aesthetic, and budget were high on the list of priorities to Chief Creative Officer Caitlin Suemnicht and President Monty Schiro.

Iconica’s architecture, engineering and construction team worked together to make Everly come to life. The design request led to plans which bring the outside in as much as possible along with natural materials, textures, and colors. All of these design features highlight the fresh and light food Caitlin Suemnicht and Chef Scott Harrell were curating for the new restaurant.

High priorities for the client were budget and schedule. While those are important in any project, Food Fight was especially in tune to them as it meant success or failure. Everly replaced a long-standing restaurant and every day it wasn’t open had financial impacts and future customers going to competitors. Also, Food Fight had past experiences where budgets moved and required additional funding. Iconica knew these were important hurdles to overcome and we’re pleased to report Everly opened ahead of schedule by one week, and the budget came in as expected with no surprises.

John Seamon, Architectural Director, said, “We enjoyed collaborating with Monty and his team to create a distinctly, inviting environment. Such an example was adding the glass structure to the side of the existing building helped set the stage for the rest of the changes. The addition pushed the lighting, color, wooden booths, the green sculpture overhanging the main eating space and wall hangings. The environment is fresh, modern and inviting.”


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