Madison Dentistry
The question of location is one of the first steps in every business move. Leasing space in a busy complex, moving closer to clients and staff, and of course price and availability are considerations in many projects. Dr. Austin Wessell decided on a stand-alone building on University Avenue, a main artery in Middleton, for two additional reasons: excellent visibility and space for future expansion.
To begin the design process, the Iconica architectural team clarified the project needs. Dr. Wessell preferred a modern look, about 3,700 square feet, and space for nine (current and future) operatories. Requirements for lab, reception, consultation, dental equipment, and parking were verified through code review and client collaboration.
Dr. Austin’s budget was addressed during the design and price phase. The project schedule was fixed by the termination date of the dentist’s existing lease. There would be no time value engineer or redesign after bidding to reduce project costs. Our mechanical and electrical engineers consulted with trusted subcontractors to confirm pricing and discuss alternative solutions. Lead times for metal siding, pocket doors, and exhaust fans were input into the schedule.
One of the best parts of any project is when you get to celebrate the final product with a happy customer. Dr. Austin invited his staff, friends, family, and those involved in designing and building the project to tour and celebrate his continued success.
Middleton, WI
3,700 SF