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We count you as one of our Iconica Insiders and would like to invite you to our 2018 book club. Three books were recently selected by our leadership team. They are part of our toolbox and we think you’ll find them useful as well.

The best part about this book club is you get to select which book would best fit your needs and we’ll provide a copy as our gift to you. Simply fill out the form below and submit within the next two weeks.

Iconica Book Club Sebastian Maniscalco

This inspiring, honest, uproarious collection of essays traces Sebastian Maniscalco’s career from playing boxing rings and bowling alleys to reaching the pinnacles of comedy success. At twenty-four, Sebastian Maniscalco arrived in LA with a suitcase and saved up minimum wages. He knew no one and nothing about standup comedy, but he was determined to go for it anyway. At forty-four, he’s on the Forbes’ list of highest earning comedians, sells out arenas, and has starred in four-hit comedy specials including Why Would You Do That? on Showtime. Stay Hungry tells the story of the twenty years in between. On the way from clueless rube to standup superstar, Seb was booed off stages; survived on tips and stolen food; got advice from mentors Andrew Dice Clay, Vince Vaughn, Tony Danza, and Jerry Seinfeld; fell in love; and stayed true to his Italian-immigrant roots. The one code that always kept him going: stay hungry, keep focused, never give up, and one day, you’ll make it.

Employee Favorite: Jim Pientka, “A great book about understanding your goals, and how to work toward them. It takes both big and small steps to get there. I loved the humor and stories in the book.”

Iconica Book Club Fierce

The master teacher of positive change through powerful communication, Susan Scott wants you to succeed. To do that, you must transform everyday conversations at work and at home with effective ways to get your message across—and get what you want. In this guide, which includes a workbook and The Seven Principles of Fierce Conversations, Scott teaches you how to: overcome barriers to meaningful communication, expand and enrich relationships with colleagues, friends, and family, increase clarity and improve understanding, handle strong emotions—on both sides of the table, connect with colleagues, customers and family at a deep level.

Employee Favorite: Kathy Pientka, “Fierce Conversations not only has lessons about direct and meaningful communication, but also dozens of other best practices for business and life in general. If you only have time to read one book this winter, you can’t go wrong with this selection.”

Iconica Book Club Just listen

The first make-or-break step in persuading anyone to do anything is getting them to hear you out. Whether the person is a harried colleague, a stressed-out client, or an insecure spouse, things will go from bad to worse if you can’t break through emotional barricades. Drawing on his experience as a psychiatrist, business consultant, and coach, and backed by the latest scientific research, author Mark Goulston shares simple but powerful techniques readers can use to get through to people-whether they’re coworkers, friends, strangers, or enemies. Just Listen reveals how to: make a powerful and positive first impression, listen effectively, make even a total stranger-a potential client, perhaps-feel “felt”, talk an angry or aggressive person away from an instinctual, unproductive reaction and toward a more rational mindset, achieve buy-in, the linchpin of all persuasion, negotiation, and sales. With the help of this groundbreaking book, readers will be able to turn the “impossible” and “unreachable” people in their lives into allies, devoted customers, loyal colleagues, and lifetime friends.

Employee Favorite: Matt Wellenkotter, “I have listened to the book and read it twice. I’ve been able to use some of the techniques. My favorite chapters were on empathy and listening. Some great takeaways with practical applications.”


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